Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy <p>Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy (<strong>PAKJIP</strong>), a tri-lingual, Double Blind peer-reviewed, open access Quarterly Research Journal of Islamic Studies, is launched by Global Research Club, Multan since January 2019. </p> en-US (Dr. Iftikhar Alam) (Dr. Iftikhar Alam) Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 رسول اللہﷺ کی تدریسی حکمت عملی ؛ تحقیقی و اطلاقی جائزہ <p>This study examines the teaching strategy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), focusing on how he conveyed spiritual, ethical, and societal lessons with profound impact. By analyzing Islamic texts and scholarly interpretations, the paper identifies fundamental elements of the Prophetic teaching approach, including empathy, simplicity, adaptability, storytelling, and the use of practical examples to illustrate complex concepts. The research delves into the Prophetic strategies for effective communication, highlighting how the Prophet's methods fostered deep connections with his audience, from close companions to the broader community. His approach emphasized individualized guidance, fostering a sense of belonging and promoting moral and spiritual growth. By exploring the Prophetic teaching strategy, the study seeks to identify principles that can be applied in contemporary educational and leadership settings. It suggests that these methods can serve as a guide for educators, mentors, and leaders aiming to create inclusive, engaging, and value-based environments. The research underscores the relevance of the Prophetic strategy in addressing modern challenges in education and community building, emphasizing its potential to inspire a compassionate, ethical, and effective approach to teaching and leadership.</p> Hafiz Taj Din, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Taj Din, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مشروبات میں تنوع ، افادات اور صحتی اثرات: اسوہ رسولﷺ کے تناظر میں اطلاقی مطالعہ <p>This study explores the diversity, benefits, and health effects of foods and beverages through an applied lens, drawing insights from the exemplary dietary practices of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Prophet's lifestyle serves as a profound model for holistic well-being, encompassing not only spiritual but also physical health. By examining various foods and beverages consumed during his time, this research aims to elucidate their nutritional value, medicinal properties, and impact on overall health. Additionally, it investigates how adherence to such dietary principles can promote longevity, vitality, and resilience against diseases. Through a comprehensive analysis, this study provides valuable insights into optimizing dietary habits for improved health and well-being, drawing inspiration from the timeless teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).</p> Umer Yousaf, Noreen Tahir, Muhammad Ahmad Bilal Copyright (c) 2024 Umer Yousaf, Noreen Tahir, Muhammad Ahmad Bilal Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 حلال غذائی صنعت کو در پیش مسائل اور ان کے ممکنہ حل کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>The halāl food industry, integral to Islamic dietary laws, has witnessed remarkable growth globally in recent decades. However, this expansion has brought forth a myriad of challenges and issues that warrant thorough investigation and analysis. This research endeavors to provide an in-depth examination of the multifaceted issues within the halāl food industry, drawing upon both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Firstly, the study delves into the diverse interpretations of halāl standards across different regions and jurisdictions, exploring the implications of varying regulatory frameworks on consumer trust and market integrity. Additionally, it investigates the complexities surrounding halāl certification processes, including issues of transparency, standardization, and the role of certifying bodies in ensuring compliance with Islamic dietary laws. Furthermore, the research scrutinizes the ethical and moral dimensions of halāl food production and consumption, examining concerns related to animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and the ethical treatment of workers within the halāl food supply chain. Moreover, it addresses emerging issues such as technological advancements in food production and the integration of Islamic finance principles in the halāl food industry. Through a comprehensive analysis of these issues, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on the challenges and opportunities facing the halāl food industry. By shedding light on areas of contention and offering potential avenues for improvement, this study seeks to facilitate the development of a more robust and inclusive halāl food ecosystem that upholds the values of integrity, transparency and ethical responsibility in accordance with Islamic principles.</p> Dr. Saeed Ahmad Saeedi, Ahsan Yonus Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Saeed Ahmad Saeedi, Ahsan Yonus Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 علم و عمل کا باہمی تعلق اور اثرات:معروف قدیم و جدید تفاسیر کی روشنی میں مطالعہ <p>Islam is a complete code of life that contains instructions not only for humans but for the entire humanity. And the most authentic source of these instructions is the Qur'an. The importance of reading and writing is clearly evident from the first revelation of this Qur'an. The importance and excellence of knowledge has been explained in the light of numerous verses. Apart from this, the hadiths emphasize the acquisition of knowledge without the distinction of men and women. Both formal and non-formal education are equally useful in the present era. &nbsp;However, in this era of globalization, the awareness of using technology and modern tools is also essential. Along with this, it is also important to be aware of the inventions and innovations in the field of science and development.In the light of ancient and modern interpretations, an analytical study of the opinions of different commentators has been presented. As a result of this research, the motivation to acquire knowledge and the opportunity to learn about excellence without discrimination and appropriation in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah can be found.</p> Ayesha Saeed, Ameer Hamza Copyright (c) 2024 Ayesha Saeed, Ameer Hamza Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 پاکستان میں موضوعی تفسیر کی روایت: عبدالرؤف ملک کی مضامینِ قرآن کا خصوصی مطالعہ <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Thematic interpretation of the Holy Quran is a new interpretative approach in the light of Islamic teachings, which encompasses numerous benefits. Among these, the most significant advantage is facilitating understanding of the Quran for the general populace. Through this approach, comprehending the Quran becomes easier. Considering the importance of this approach, scholars have been accumulating a wealth of knowledge in their respective styles since ancient times. However, in the present era, numerous books have been written on this subject separately. Undoubtedly, the efforts of contemporary Arab researchers in this field are commendable. Many scholars in Pakistan have also showcased their greatness, either by writing brief or lengthy books, thereby demonstrating their capabilities for Quranic comprehension. Among these, "Mazameen-e-Quran" stands out as a concise yet comprehensive text. It presents various Quranic topics with great importance, in an easy and simple manner. Although this book has presented the Quranic topics with great effort and diligence, it has not been able to maintain its style consistently in many places, which has led to considerable criticism. Many areas requiring detailed explanation have not been addressed as per the demand, as highlighted in the article.</p> Muhammad Riaz, Dr.Muhammad Feroz Udin Shah, Dr. Muhammad Haroon Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Riaz, Dr.Muhammad Feroz Udin Shah, Dr. Muhammad Haroon Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مرویاتِ صحابیات میں امور خانگی كے فقہی پہلو ،تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>In every era of the religion of Islam, women have taken full part in teaching and propagating Islamic and religious sciences along with men, especially in the statement of hadith and jurisprudence, women have been at the forefront. The Sahābiyāt (may Allah be pleased with them), the Tābi’āt and the followers of the Tābi’āt and the daughters of Islam who came after them played a significant role in the traditions and editing and arrangement of the blessed hadiths. This is the reason why very famous hadith custodians and imams of jurisprudence made use of these hadiths and jurisprudence. The importance of the family is above all in Islamic teachings, prophetic training, the behavior of companions and social and social formation. In Islamic history, although women achieved distinction in different positions, but the wives of the Prophet, Sahabiat and the wives of great companions are a composite of all these positions. And for Muslim women, their religious, moral, social and academic achievements can be good and can protect them from all the social and cultural dangers of the present era.</p> Zobia Sarwar, Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Zobia Sarwar, Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 اقساط پر فروخت کے مروجہ کاروبار میں خامیاں اور ان کا شرعی حل <p>Installment sales have become increasingly prevalent in modern society, driven by intense competition among producers and limited consumer purchasing power. As consumers seek goods without the financial means to pay cash upfront, companies have developed innovative marketing strategies to expand their customer base. This study conducts a comprehensive review of the installment sale process, examining existing practices and their Shariah compliance. The primary objective is to identify defects and flaws in current installment sales methods and provide Shariah-compliant solutions to address these issues. This study employs an analytical approach to examine the current practices of sales on installments through the lens of Islamic teachings, as encapsulated in the Qur'an, Hadith and scholarly opinions of Muslim theologians. Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, this study will gather data from secondary sources, including books, articles and online resources, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. By doing so, this research aims to promote confidence in Shariah-principled transactions, mitigate doubts and ensure the validity of installment sales practices.</p> Muhammad Zubair Nadeem, Dr. Ata ur Rehman Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Zubair Nadeem, Dr. Ata ur Rehman Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 حکمرانوں کی تکفیر وخروج سے متعلق مسلم مذہبی افکار میں امن وتشدد کی توضیحات:تجزیاتی وتقابلی مطالعہ <p>Islam is the religion of peace and success here and hereafter. A Muslim, who is in the guarantee of Allah and Muhammad (PBUH). A Muslim ruler is the political leader of the Islamic State. It is ordered that Muslims love Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) and all Muslims. A Muslim must be a well-wisher of all Muslims of the world especially his or her relatives and neighbors. It is the religious obligation of a Muslim to obey the ruler of his or her country whether he is a pious or sinner. It is prohibited to say a Muslim or a ruler disbeliever or apostate. Some religious groups spread violence through their thoughts due to wrong allegations based on wrong interpretations of the Quran and Sunnah. This has been practiced since the regime of caliph Usman (R.A) by Khawārij, a group having the wrong religious ideology. Contemporary “Khawārij” alleged that Muslim rulers do not implement Islamic Sharia in a country like Pakistan so the rulers are disbelievers and apostates. Due to apostasy, rulers and their public who accepted laws other than Sharia were also able to harm, violate, and even assassinate. So, these Khawārij try to kill or harm any way to rulers and the public through, terrorist activities like bomb blasts, armed actions, etc. All these activities are illegal in Islam and the right path of Muslim Jurists. After that, it will be possible to make peace treaties among Semitic religions.</p> Abdul Nasir Zamir, Dr. Razia Shabana Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Nasir Zamir, Dr. Razia Shabana Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Thoughts on the Concept of Islamic Philosophy: Associations and Content <p>Abstract</p> <p>In this article, I aim to examine the associations concerning the term 'Islamic philosophy'. Islamic philosophy, as a discipline, encompasses significant discussions on philosophical matters. Our primary concern will be to investigate the feasibility and challenges involved in studying Islamic philosophy in contemporary times. Another objective of this article is to address the issue of broadening the scope of Islamic philosophy.</p> <p>Scholars in this field adopt diverse approaches. When tracing the trajectory of intellectual history, the domain of Islamic philosophy signifies a distinct formation wherein religion and philosophy intersect. By referring to Islamic philosophy, we specifically denote a discipline distinct from Kalam, Sufism, and Fiqh. The differentiation of Islamic philosophy from other branches of Islamic scholarship is elucidated based on its epistemological framework and methodological foundations.</p> <p>However, this particular discipline is subject to various criticisms and reactions from both religious and philosophical perspectives. The mindset that upholds religious principles and values as its reference point may find discomfort in associating Islam with philosophy, as it accentuates the primacy of religion. Conversely, the philosophical standpoint, which exalts philosophy, opposes the designation of Islamic philosophy, viewing religion as incongruous and incompatible with philosophy."</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Prof. Dr. Müfit Selim Saruhan Copyright (c) 2024 Prof. Dr. Müfit Selim Saruhan Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000