Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy <p>Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy (<strong>PAKJIP</strong>), a tri-lingual, Double Blind peer-reviewed, open access Quarterly Research Journal of Islamic Studies, is launched by Global Research Club, Multan since January 2019. </p> en-US (Dr. Iftikhar Alam) (Dr. Iftikhar Alam) Thu, 04 Jan 2024 03:45:31 +0000 OJS 60 معاشرتی امن کے قیام میں اسلامی حدود کا کردار <p>Two issues are essential and fundamental for the establishment of social peace, without them, the establishment and continuation of peace and security in the society is impossible. One of them is mindfulness and the other is the concept of punishment, both of which are ordered to be adopted in order in Islamic teachings. As a result of adopting this strategy of Rasulullah (PBUH), such a Muslim society came into being that the lives, property, honor and dignity of the people of the vast Islamic Empire were saved. Killings, looting, oppression and oppression were eradicated. Even in the present era, if the ruling class itself avoids following the orders and reprimands and then the minds of others are made, then most of the people in the society will follow them and then if the perpetrators are punished, the society will be the cradle of peace and security in a very short period of time.</p> Dr. Ghazala Bashir, Dr. Shazia, Dr. Sonia Bari Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Iftikhar Alam Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مسلمانانِ ہند کا تعلیمی ڈھانچہ، تحقیقی وتاریخی جائزہ <p>This research article provides a thorough exploration of the educational structure of Indian Muslims, blending historical retrospectives with contemporary research insights. Spanning from early Islamic educational centers to the present day, the study scrutinizes the historical evolution of educational structures within the Indian Muslim community. Historical analyses delve into the contributions of influential Muslim scholars and institutions, tracing the trajectory of Islamic education in India and its adaptation over centuries. The impact of colonial rule and subsequent educational reforms on the educational landscape of Indian Muslims is examined, shedding light on the community's responses to evolving socio-political dynamics. In the contemporary context, the research evaluates existing challenges and opportunities within the educational framework for Indian Muslims. This includes an examination of access to education, the quality of educational institutions, and the influence of cultural and societal factors on the educational experiences of the community. Emerging trends, such as the integration of technology and initiatives for inclusive education, are explored to provide a holistic understanding of the current educational landscape. The insights garnered from this study aim to inform policymakers, educators, and researchers about the historical roots and present-day nuances of the educational structure for Indian Muslims. By synthesizing historical legacies with contemporary challenges, the research contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the complexities and opportunities inherent in the education of the Indian Muslim community.</p> Hafiz Umar Farooq Buzmi, Dr. Khalid Mahmood Arif, Dr. Muhammad Kashan Atif Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Umar Farooq, Dr. Khalid Mahmood Arif, Dr. Muhammad Kashan Atif Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مذہبی رواداری اور عصری تقاضے: اسلامی تعلیمات کے تناظر میں تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Fourteen hundred years ago today, the book that was sent down from the sky by Hazrat Gabriel to the Prophet (ﷺ), which is a book of guidance, nature and an ideal code of life. That is why it contains the virtues and blessings of all the previous heavenly books has achieved great progress in technology and culture and civilization and looks very happy on the outside and is restless, dull and hollow inside due to the hot market of materialistic lust and oppression, today's oppressed, distressed and lustful world. The person who sweats in the mill has longed for patience and tolerance. The tolerance of religion and belief with the characteristics seems to be missing. Unfortunately, the tolerance of today's Muslims with non-Muslims has remained in its place, patience, tolerance and tolerance among themselves. The world is ending. The evil monster of narrow-mindedness and bigotry has badly tightened its claws on the minds and hearts of Muslims. It is necessary to end this trend of intolerance so that our ideal society whose examples Declaring that we do not get tired of being able to come back into existence. This paper examines religious tolerance in the context of Islamic teachings. Through Islamic teachings, let us teach our minds and hearts the lesson of tolerance, uproot extremism, don't give place to necessity leave fatwas on trivial matters. Let him walk on the path and get rid of doubts.</p> Dr. Qaria Nasreen Akhtar Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Qaria Nasreen Akhtar Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 اسلام کے فلسفۂ تربیتِ اولاد کی عصری معنویت، ایک تحقیقی جائزہ <p>The Islamic philosophy of child training holds profound significance in navigating the complexities of contemporary society. This research review explores the enduring relevance and contemporary applications of Islamic principles in nurturing and educating children. Drawing from a diverse range of scholarly works and empirical studies, the review explains the foundational concepts and practical implications embedded within Islamic teachings on child upbringing. Examining the intersection of tradition and modernity, the review highlights the adaptive nature of Islamic pedagogy in addressing the evolving needs and challenges of the present era. It delves into key themes such as moral development, character building and the cultivation of empathy and resilience within the framework of Islamic ethics and values. Furthermore, the review examines the role of family, community and educational institutions in fostering holistic child development grounded in Islamic principles. By synthesizing insights from interdisciplinary perspectives, this research review contributes to a deeper understanding of the contemporary significance of the Islamic philosophy of child training in nurturing virtuous individuals capable of contributing positively to society.</p> Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Hassan, Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Hassan Fri, 17 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 مذاہب عالم میں تصورِ الحاد ؛اسباب و اثرات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>Atheism attacked the basic beliefs of Christianity, Islam and other religions, namely the existence of God, His Messenger and the Hereafter, and spread skepticism in all religions. The existence of Allah and the existence of His Messengers were denied and various questions were raised about the Hereafter. In this regard, atheists could not achieve any significant success because these three beliefs are related to metaphysical facts. These atheists also attacked Christianity by saying that medieval Christian scholars had incorporated some of the scientific and philosophical ideas of their time into their theology. Like the earth is the center of the universe and the Sun revolves around it when modern scientific research disproved these ideas. Many people lost faith in Christianity altogether, there are no such beliefs and ideologies. In Islam therefore it remained safe from such attacks. &nbsp;It is for this reason that atheism has entered, in various forms every religion of the West, and has found followers who declare their aversion to all forms of religion and call themselves proudly atheists. In modern times atheism is developing by taking different forms. The main purpose of this research is to answer these questions critically and form an opinion on them. For example, what is atheism? What are its different forms and causes in this society and how is it creating its effects?</p> Shakoor Alam, Dr. Ata ur Rehman Copyright (c) 2024 Shakoor Alam, Dr. Ata ur Rehman Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 عصر حاضر میں قرآنی جزئیات کی تفسیر کرنے والی خواتین اسکالرز کےتفسیری رجحانات و مناہج <p>The knowledge of exegesis is such a subject that it has kept many sciences within itself, whenever an exegete interprets, he interprets in the light of dictionary, syntax, narration, theology and abrogating and abrogated verses etc. It is very difficult for a person to acquire or possess all these sciences, but then by the grace of Allah, he develops his skills. This is why the participation of women in the field of interpretation is limited, but then there are many women who wrote commentaries on the Qur'an, the biggest example of this is the wives who heard hadiths from the Prophet (SAW) and presented them in the interpretations of the Qur'an. In the same way, the female Companions and the Tabi'ayat also rendered valuable services. Furthermore, from the second century of the Hijra until the present era, many women have written something on the subject of the Quran, and some have even worked on interpretations according to their capabilities. In the present era, there are female scholars who have completed the interpretation of the Quran, as well as those who interpret Quranic details. Additionally, in the present era, there are female scholars of interpretation who hold modernist inclinations. Some female scholar-interpreters have also made significant contributions to Quranic studies beyond interpretation. This article mentions women who have not completed the full interpretation of the Quran but have interpreted some parts of it, including Wahida Khanam, Ummat al-Karim Begum Is'haq, Aisha Abd al-Rahman bint al-Shati', and Zainab Ghazali.</p> Roohi Asmara, Dr. Farhat Naseem Alvi Copyright (c) 2024 Roohi Asmara, Dr. Farhat Naseem Alvi Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 رسول اللہﷺ کی تدریسی حکمت عملی ؛ تحقیقی و اطلاقی جائزہ <p>This study examines the teaching strategy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), focusing on how he conveyed spiritual, ethical, and societal lessons with profound impact. By analyzing Islamic texts and scholarly interpretations, the paper identifies fundamental elements of the Prophetic teaching approach, including empathy, simplicity, adaptability, storytelling, and the use of practical examples to illustrate complex concepts. The research delves into the Prophetic strategies for effective communication, highlighting how the Prophet's methods fostered deep connections with his audience, from close companions to the broader community. His approach emphasized individualized guidance, fostering a sense of belonging and promoting moral and spiritual growth. By exploring the Prophetic teaching strategy, the study seeks to identify principles that can be applied in contemporary educational and leadership settings. It suggests that these methods can serve as a guide for educators, mentors, and leaders aiming to create inclusive, engaging, and value-based environments. The research underscores the relevance of the Prophetic strategy in addressing modern challenges in education and community building, emphasizing its potential to inspire a compassionate, ethical, and effective approach to teaching and leadership.</p> Hafiz Taj Din, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Taj Din, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 الحكم والأمثال العربية: دراسة تحليلية وصفية في السياق الإسلامي <p>Every language of the world has its own civilization and culture, and whether a language is national or international, its wisdom quotes and proverbs highlight its individuality. By their proper use, the beauty of both the prose and the poetry is enhanced. Wisdom Quotes and proverbs are the focus of language and they represent our observations and experiences. Therefore, in sayings and proverbs, we see the trends of civilization, beliefs and customs of the society. It is a definite principle that the language is formed first and its grammar and rules are compiled later, therefore some part of the language is freed from the grasp of the rules. Instead of figurative meaning is applied. These are the parts which add to the beauty of the language instead of creating defects. They should be used in the sense in which they are used and in the order in which they are used. In this part of the language, sayings and proverbs also come. Therefore, in order to enjoy the language and literature, familiarity with the wisdom quotes and proverbs of this language is essential. Like other languages, the Arabic language is also rich in proverbs and sayings, even some people have preferred Arabic over other languages ​​due to the abundance of its proverbs and sayings. There is a famous Arabic proverb: "A proverb has the same status in speech as salt in food." The fact is that the use of proverbs in language and literature increases both saltiness and sweetness. It may have a place in daily life, but due to being filled with wisdom and experience, it has a greater impact on hearts. Along with this, it raises its demands and concepts. This article throws light on the importance of proverbs and wisdom quotes within the Islamic context and the difference between them.</p> Abdul Rehman Azmi, Dr. Shabana Nazar Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rehman Azmi, Dr. Shabana Nazar Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تحديد القصة ومجال البحث في فنياتها ومراحل تطورها فی عصر الاسلامی <p>The story is one of the important literary arts, and a means of communicating and expressing ideas and visions, which guide a person in all fields of life, whether political, social, cultural or intellectual, as it expresses his inner beings and feelings, and his tendencies towards the paths of life, and its many and varied types. It is the story that is renewed with the renewal of time and the diversity of readers, and the increase in their understanding and taste for it, and therefore introducing it requires returning to the mother dictionaries. We find that this art has many definitions that differ from one book to another. Stories are considered new-born compared to other literary genres such as the novel, short stories, and theater.... They did not come at the expense of the decline or decline of one of the genres as much as they came as a result of social and economic variables and what is associated with them. From global variables. When we are talking about stories, we must define their concept, techniques, and stages of development, while acknowledging the difficulty of defining stories and the difficulty of determining their distinctive characteristics. This is due to the great development that occurred in the artistic structure of the story, which freed it from the guise of a story that often accompanied it at its beginning. Stories in their contemporary artistic form consist of elements and techniques, and all of these elements participate in forming the distinct techniques of the short story.</p> Rauf Ahmad Khan, Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Khawaja Copyright (c) 2024 Rauf Ahmad Khan, Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Khawaja Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000