ISSN (Print): 2709-8885
ISSN (Online): 2709-8893
Quarterly Research Journal "Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy" is a double blind peer-reviewed open access journal.
The journal aims to provide a platform to academic fraternity in the Islamic and Religious Studies around the world for the publication of their scholarly research. Research Journal “PAKJIP” Is recognised by Higher Edecation Commission (HEC) Pakistan in Y catagory (2023-2024)
It is devoted, primarily, to the publication of research in diverse fields of Islamic learning, literature, culture and current issues in Islamic discourse and in the history of Muslim world. Research articles on Islam/Religion more broadly, based on Western sources will also be considered for publication in instances where the editors find the material especially relevant to the objectives of the Journal.
ISSN (Print): 2709-8885
ISSN (Online): 2709-8893