الحكم والأمثال العربية: دراسة تحليلية وصفية في السياق الإسلامي

Arabic Wisdom Quotes and Proverbs: An Analytical and Descriptive Study with in Islamic Context


  • Abdul Rehman Azmi PhD Scholar, Department of Arabic, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr. Shabana Nazar Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


proverb, wisdom, saying, idiom, quote, difference


Every language of the world has its own civilization and culture, and whether a language is national or international, its wisdom quotes and proverbs highlight its individuality.  By their proper use, the beauty of both the prose and the poetry is enhanced.  Wisdom Quotes and proverbs are the focus of language and they represent our observations and experiences. Therefore, in sayings and proverbs, we see the trends of civilization, beliefs and customs of the society. It is a definite principle that the language is formed first and its grammar and rules are compiled later, therefore some part of the language is freed from the grasp of the rules.  Instead of figurative meaning is applied. These are the parts which add to the beauty of the language instead of creating defects.  They should be used in the sense in which they are used and in the order in which they are used. In this part of the language, sayings and proverbs also come.  Therefore, in order to enjoy the language and literature, familiarity with the wisdom quotes and proverbs of this language is essential. Like other languages, the Arabic language is also rich in proverbs and sayings, even some people have preferred Arabic over other languages ​​due to the abundance of its proverbs and sayings. There is a famous Arabic proverb: "A proverb has the same status in speech as salt in food." The fact is that the use of proverbs in language and literature increases both saltiness and sweetness. It may have a place in daily life, but due to being filled with wisdom and experience, it has a greater impact on hearts. Along with this, it raises its demands and concepts. This article throws light on the importance of proverbs and wisdom quotes within the Islamic context and the difference between them.




How to Cite

Azmi, A. R., & Nazar, D. S. (2024). الحكم والأمثال العربية: دراسة تحليلية وصفية في السياق الإسلامي: Arabic Wisdom Quotes and Proverbs: An Analytical and Descriptive Study with in Islamic Context. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 6(1), 1-11. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/210