ماحولیاتی آلودگی کے اسباب،اثرات اور نقصانات کا سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں حل

Solving the Causes, Effects and Damages of Environmental Pollution In The Light Of the Prophet’s Life


  • Dr. Muhammad Usman Khalid Postdoc Fellow IRI, International Islamic University Islamabad/Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Basic Sciences and Humanities Department, MNS UET Multan
  • Dr. Muhammad Muawia Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan


Environment, Society, Cleanliness, Contamination, Pollution


Islam is a religion of cleanliness, and as a Muslim, you are expected to give extra attention to the cleanliness of your surroundings and your own personal hygiene. Almighty Allah intended for humans to be naturally and socially bonded. He's gotten into the habit of relying on people for support. His ability to reproduce and survive in society is due to this. Prior to progressively migrating and settling in cities, humans lived in the highly populated plains, but they also had a habitat in the stunning settings of the forests, in the mountainous regions, notably in the caves and valleys. This evolutionary process is still in progress today. As a result, although man is creating new technologies and developing them in the modern era, he also cause a lot of challenges for himself in terms of facilities and necessities. Environmental contamination is the worst of them all. Population growth, industrialization, and poor planning all contribute to issues. As a result, rather than reducing, environmental pollution has increased. This is why environmentalists' voices are being raised from every platform today. There is no benefit to the solution, but people of different ideologies and religions will pay attention to it in whatever society they live in. And not enough of a result is emerging. This academic paper offers new research on this subject.




How to Cite

Khalid, D. M. U., & Muawia, D. M. (2023). ماحولیاتی آلودگی کے اسباب،اثرات اور نقصانات کا سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں حل: Solving the Causes, Effects and Damages of Environmental Pollution In The Light Of the Prophet’s Life. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 5(3), 99-113. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/215