حلال غذائی صنعت کو در پیش مسائل اور ان کے ممکنہ حل کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analytical Study of the Problems Faced by the Halāl Food Industry and their Possible Solutions


  • Dr. Saeed Ahmad Saeedi Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Ahsan Yonus Ph.D Scholr, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore


Halāl food industry, Islamic dietary laws, Regulatory frameworks, Halāl certification processes, Ethical dimensions


The halāl food industry, integral to Islamic dietary laws, has witnessed remarkable growth globally in recent decades. However, this expansion has brought forth a myriad of challenges and issues that warrant thorough investigation and analysis. This research endeavors to provide an in-depth examination of the multifaceted issues within the halāl food industry, drawing upon both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Firstly, the study delves into the diverse interpretations of halāl standards across different regions and jurisdictions, exploring the implications of varying regulatory frameworks on consumer trust and market integrity. Additionally, it investigates the complexities surrounding halāl certification processes, including issues of transparency, standardization, and the role of certifying bodies in ensuring compliance with Islamic dietary laws. Furthermore, the research scrutinizes the ethical and moral dimensions of halāl food production and consumption, examining concerns related to animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and the ethical treatment of workers within the halāl food supply chain. Moreover, it addresses emerging issues such as technological advancements in food production and the integration of Islamic finance principles in the halāl food industry. Through a comprehensive analysis of these issues, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on the challenges and opportunities facing the halāl food industry. By shedding light on areas of contention and offering potential avenues for improvement, this study seeks to facilitate the development of a more robust and inclusive halāl food ecosystem that upholds the values of integrity, transparency and ethical responsibility in accordance with Islamic principles.




How to Cite

Saeedi, D. S. A., & Yonus, A. (2024). حلال غذائی صنعت کو در پیش مسائل اور ان کے ممکنہ حل کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: An Analytical Study of the Problems Faced by the Halāl Food Industry and their Possible Solutions. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 6(2), 35-53. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/226