اسلامی تہذیب کی بیوعِ اسلا می اور بیو ع ِ فا سدہ کا فقہ اسلامی کے تنا ظر میں تجزیا تی مطا لعہ

An Analytical Study Islamic Civilization of Islamic Trade and Corrupt Trade in Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence


  • Hafiz Jawad Haseeb PhD Scholar Deptt. of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
  • Hafiz Jamshed Akhtar PhD Scholar Deptt. of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha


trade, business, products, Islamic jurisprudence, religion


Allah Almighty has made all the business of the world based on mutual need and necessity. All the colors and shades created by human beings are related to this need. The poor need the rich and he is the source of bread for them The rich need the poor so that without the strong arm and sweaty body of the poor laborers, neither skyscrapers can come into existence, nor can the beautiful and attractive green czar be enjoyed. There is also a need for ordinary citizens to have access to nationwide and remote products and products without the hassle of travel, and for the business community to buy from their customers. Therefore, the Shari'ah, not only allowed trade but also appreciated it and explained the rules and regulations of trade and etiquette and lawful in a way that is unparalleled in any religion.




How to Cite

Haseeb, H. J., & Akhtar, H. J. (2020). اسلامی تہذیب کی بیوعِ اسلا می اور بیو ع ِ فا سدہ کا فقہ اسلامی کے تنا ظر میں تجزیا تی مطا لعہ: An Analytical Study Islamic Civilization of Islamic Trade and Corrupt Trade in Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 2(1), 64-76. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/24