برصغیر میں تہذیبی تصادم اور اسلامی تمدن کےہمہ گیر اثرات:ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Clash of civilizations in the subcontinent and universal effects of Islamic civilization: An Analytical Study


  • Hafiz Muhammad Umair Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr. Muhammad Yasir Madni Lecturer, Department of Quranic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Islamic Civilization, Culture, Clash of Civilization, Subcontinent


Hundreds of years ago, human life and ways were different from today.  The story of human civilization spanning centuries, which after struggling with the conditions and events occurring in the dimensions of the universe, after setting intellectual and practical goals, has reached the collective way of life and living. , is called civilization. And this concept of civilization is also one of the ancient concepts of human society that evolved along with human history. In the 7th century AD, Islam emerged in the Arabian Peninsula and soon spread to almost the entire world. The foundation of Islamic culture and civilization is the Qur’an and Sunnah. Islamic civilization establishes society on the basis of collective justice. Islamic civilization, due to its universality and universal teachings, also fulfills the needs of all times and provides guidance in every aspect of human life. As a result of the clash of civilization in the subcontinent, the Muslim civilization emerged in the form of a shadowy tree that painted a distinct image on the geographical horizon of the subcontinent, the effects of which are still present today. Its major forms exist in the form of Urdu Language, values and traditions, customs and traditions, fine arts, architecture, beliefs and ideas etc.




How to Cite

Umair, H. M., & Madni, D. M. Y. (2024). برصغیر میں تہذیبی تصادم اور اسلامی تمدن کےہمہ گیر اثرات:ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Clash of civilizations in the subcontinent and universal effects of Islamic civilization: An Analytical Study. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 6(3), 14-31. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/240