روایت حدیث میں صوفیاء اور محدثین کے اختلاف کی نوعیت، تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Nature of Disagreement Between Sufis and Hadith Scholars in Narrating Hadith: An Analytical Study


  • Dr. Muhammad Muawia Assistant Professor, Dept. of Islamic Studies. ISP, Multan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Naeem Saif ul Islam Lecturer of Islamic Studies, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore


Sufi and sufism, Muhadditheen, liqa’ al-Nabiy, Kashf, Authentic Hadith, Fabricated Hadith


The two great classes of the Muslim Ummah, i.e. Muhadditheen and Sufis, have adopted the chain of derivation and inference from the Qur'an and Hadith in their respective fields of knowledge, but there is a difference between the two of them in the tradition and communication methods of the Hadith. The Sufis (scholars of Islamic mysticism) have their own methods of Hadith narration, namely liqa’ al-Nabiy and kashf stating that a Sufi, with high ranking of spirituality, can meet the Prophet directly and accepts Islamic doctrine including the narration of Hadith from him in awakening state or through dreams. This article discusses the scholars of Hadith and the Sufi method, the quality of authentic Hadith, the meaning of the Hadith about meeting the Prophet through dreams, Kashf as a science, the prohibition of the transmission of false Hadith, and the nature of the disagreement among Sufis regarding the ability to meet the Prophet through dreams and gain knowledge.




How to Cite

Muawia, D. M., & Islam, H. M. N. S. ul. (2024). روایت حدیث میں صوفیاء اور محدثین کے اختلاف کی نوعیت، تجزیاتی مطالعہ: The Nature of Disagreement Between Sufis and Hadith Scholars in Narrating Hadith: An Analytical Study. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 6(1), 97-107. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/254