صِہرِ نبوت: سیرتِ طیبہ میں اس کی فقہی، سماجی اور روحانی اہمیت کا تحقیقی جائزہ

Sihr al-Nubuwwah: A Research Analysis of Its Jurisprudential, Social and Spiritual Significance in the Seerah


  • Hafiz Mehmood ul Hassan Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Hdith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr.Abul Hasan Shabbir Ahmad Associate Professor/Chairman, Department of Hdith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Prophetic Kinship, Islamic History, Prophetic Biography, Juridical Significance, Spiritual Value


This research examines the significance of the matrimonial relationships of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in terms of jurisprudential, social, and spiritual aspects. From a jurisprudential perspective, these relationships clarify principles of marriage, consanguinity, and inheritance. The status of the Prophet’s wives as “Mothers of the Believers,” the rulings on prophetic inheritance and the legal standing of both consanguineous and affinal relations are discussed. Socially, these marriages contributed to reforming Arab society, strengthening the family system and fostering tribal unity. Their impact on political stability and the era of the Rashidun Caliphate is also highlighted. Spiritually, the sanctity of these relationships, love for Ahl al-Bayt, and the embodiment of the Prophet’s exemplary life further accentuate their importance. This study evaluates these relationships through the lens of Hadith and jurisprudence to explore their multifaceted implications. Consequently, Sihr-e-Nabuwwat is not only significant in a historical and legal context but also has a broad spiritual and social influence, serving as a guiding framework for the Muslim Ummah.




How to Cite

Hassan, H. M. ul, & Ahmad, D. H. S. (2024). صِہرِ نبوت: سیرتِ طیبہ میں اس کی فقہی، سماجی اور روحانی اہمیت کا تحقیقی جائزہ: Sihr al-Nubuwwah: A Research Analysis of Its Jurisprudential, Social and Spiritual Significance in the Seerah. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 6(1), 108-120. Retrieved from https://pakjip.com/index.php/pjip/article/view/255